
Renuka do Brasil proudly participates in an industry that is internationally recognized as being environmentally sustainable. In a time of preoccupation with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, sugar/ethanol activity has the benefit of retaining more carbon in its finished product than is used during its production process. Sugarcane absorbs this gas from the air during its development and converts it to sugar, which later at the mill is transformed into ethanol.

This is the reason for ethanol's international success; when it's burned it doesn't increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but only returns what was absorbed by sugarcane. Gasoline, on the other hand, adds carbon dioxide which was taken from oil to the atmosphere.

Still, the dependence on agriculture with regards to balance of ecosystems and climate stability only increases the company's conviction of the necessity to mitigate the interferences inherent in sugar/ethanol activity.

All processes rigorously obey the requirements of the Environmental Secretariat (CETESB), the Department of Water and Electric Energy of the State of Sao Paulo (DAEE), and also the standards of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA).